Press Release
Washington Post Article
by Cheryl Welsh
Director, Mind

The Washington Post Magazine's January 14, 2007 controversial cover story on
mind control victims alleging government targeting with electromagnetic
(EMF) weapons was an introduction to the issue of brain weapons and national
security and alleged illegal experiments. Please consider investigating and
more indepth reporting of this issue as others are beginning to do. A
thorough, impartial investigation of their claims is long overdue, experts
- Posted at Microwave News, January 12... Are they
victims of mind-control dirty tricks or are they simply nuts? Sharon
Weinberger presents the stories of a number of TIs -targeted individuals who
believe they are being assaulted byelectromagnetic weapons- in Sunday's
(January 14) Washington Post magazine. Her cover story, "Mind Games",
centers on Harlan Girard, who for many years has run the International
Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons out of his home in Philadelphia.
Weinberger lets you decide whether Girard and the others are schizophrenic
or the involuntary subjects of government experiments. It's a well-written
piece and well worth the read.
The history of EMR bioeffects (so called 'nonthermal effects') research
is intertwined with military research and is very classified. Citations,
etc. and a brief summary are posted here.
Please consider how effective governments can be at suppressing science.
Here is
one example. Washington Post Jan. 14th 2007, W22. By Sharon Weinberger.
Weinberger wrote: ". . .The official U.S. Air Force position is that there
are no non-thermal effects of microwaves. Yet Dennis Bushnell, chief
scientist at NASA'sLangley Research Center, tagged microwave attacks against
the human brain as part of future warfare in a 2001 presentation to the
National Defense Industrial Association about "Future Strategic Issues."
"That work is exceedingly sensitive" and unlikely to be reported in any
unclassified documents, he says."
Recently Jonathan D. Moreno wrote Mind Wars: Brain Research and National
Defense, a 2006 book reviewed by Nature magazine. Experts like Moreno say
weapons and human experiments are inevitable. Moreno described the thousands
of alleged mind control victims that contacted him as a result of his 1999
book on secret state experiments.
Also mind control weapons are known to be, and would be one of
the deepest secrets of the nation. Past secret experiments were conducted
illegally and there are still numerous serious loopholes in current
experimentation law for classified human experiments. The atomic bomb led to
allegations of illegal government experiments by radiation victims who were
called the 'crazies' but their claims were later found to be true.
My work and human rights group, Mind has been cited by
Scientific American, the UNIDIR, Moreno and more. I have recently posted new
information from Russia and also a Mind Justice sponsored project conducted
by Project Censored at Sonoma State University on EMF weapons, posted at
Experts like Moreno say that brain research and national security is a
serious issue of concern to the public, if not now, in the near future.
Pulitzer prize winning reporter Eileen Welsome stated that atomic bomb
scientists controlled the flow of information on health effects research and
only in the 1990s were illegal radiation experiments reported in front page
This same pattern is now documented with alleged mind control victims
and EMR weapons scientists. The hard to find cold war/post cold war history
of very classified EMR weapons reveals a mosaic in spite of government
secrecy: there is circumstantial evidence that EMR weapons, the heart of
mind control weapons, are being developed by major countries and are
advanced. See for citations, documentation. Please
inform the public of this suppressed information. The public has the right
to know about weapons such as the atomic bomb and now mind control.
Would the government tell you about working mind control weapons? How
advanced are the very classified EMF and mind control weapons? The public
needs reliable documented information on brain research and national
security. Please cover under reported topics such as;
Classified neuroscience research, the history, regulation, government
oversight mechanisms and future implications.
Nonlethal, information and EMR weapons, the history, regulation,
government oversight mechanisms and future implications.
Remote human surveillance, the history, regulation and government
oversight mechanisms and future implications.
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