Bioelectric Terrorism:
Analysis of Possible Threat

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About  Russian National Committee
on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
from their internet website

Russian National Committee on non-ionizing radiation protection (RNCNIRP) was established in 1998. Members of RNCNIRP are scientists and specialists in the field of human and environmental protection from non-ionizing radiation.

The main Committee objectives are:

  • participation in forming of law, social and economic systems of organizing measures directed on ensuring  of non-ionizing radiation protection and population health of Russian Federation.
  • development of main directions and methods of complex regulation of scientific and technical problems in the field of non-ionizing radiation protection
  • scientific and methodological regulation of concept developments, normative acts aimed to control and improve environmental situation in Russia.
  • development of recommendations for the inculcation of scientific and technical achievements in practice in case of emergency non- ionizing radiation exposure.
  • expert assessment and participation in the development of standards and guidance for population protection from non-ionizing radiation.

RNCNIRP works in co-ordination with Russian Ministry of Public Health, WHO International EMF project and International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection.

RNCNIRP hold meetings 4 times a year.

RNCNIRP members include

Grigoriev Yu.G.
State National Center - Institute of biophysics, MD, professor

Grigoriev O.A.
Center for electromagnetic safety, director

Stepanov V.S.
State National Center - Institute of biophysics,
Deputy of director in  science, PhD

Binhi V.N.
General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Head of laboratory, Ph.D., D.Sc. in physics and mathematics,
author of the book
Magnetobiology: Underlying Physical Problems, Academic Press, San Diego, 2002.

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