India’s Dr. M. S. Rao, Chief Forensic Scientist, Ministry of Home Affairs, delivered a keynote address at 2006 Forensic Science Forum, 93rd Indian Science Congress on “preventive forensics” including electromagnetic mind control tools
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An alleged victim of mind control in India sends Mind Justice India newspaper articles on government interest in electromagnetic mind control tools for fighting terrorism. Dr. Rao stated, “This technique of using electromagnetic radiation can control the mind of the suicide bomber and make him to leave his target place silently without making any effort to explode the bomb at the given area.” Mr Rao added, “We don’t have this technique available right now. We have to adopt the technology.” India’s top forensic scientist also discussed “target oriented low frequency portable electromagnetic radiation tools, which could remotely be used by criminal on a person’s body parts and create havoc in respect of brain damage, heartache, kidney failure, liver damage.” Click here for pdf’s of the full newspaper article.
- Background information: about Dr. M. S. Rao, Chief Forensic Scientist, Directorate of Forensic Science, Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs and the forensic concerns for India today. Brain mapping has been in use in India for six to seven years. Terrorism, bombings, rural crime are major concerns to India today. Forensic expert Dr Chandrasekharan stated “Brain finger-printing is half baked evidence and it cannot be accepted as evidence”. India courts do not admit this evidence in court, rather it is a police interrogation method.
- Background information: 1993 terrorist bombings in India and brain mapping forensic tools.
A special thank you to the alleged victim of mind control in India for sending this information to Mind Justice. He warns:
“I feel this should made public and brought under legal control like lie detector or narco analysis systems. This technology is a disaster for freedom of humanity. We don’t know how many deaths are really happening because of this technology. There is nobody [no government official] responsible and no legal records [laws on the books] existing. No one knows the reasons for becoming targets.”
In the last year, several people from India, especially from Kashmir, and all walks of life have contacted Mind Justice alleging targeting and surveillance with mind control technologies amounting to torture. The alleged victim sent Mind Justice a photo of a “help” poster. This picture of one of several posters was taken in 2005 at the New Delhi, India, Palika Bazaar. Click here for an image of the photo. He explained:
Once I was in Delhi I saw a several posters pasted on the walls of a central market place in New Delhi. I had camera as I was on tour there, I took a snap of the poster. Unfortunately the email address on the poster did not come clearly. It was a “ HELP ” poster describing the problems of some victim of this technology, its heading was “secret mind reading system is being misused to torture people, stop them.
The exact location is the roadside walls of central Delhi underground market at Canaughtplace, the Palika Bazaar. This I noticed while going to enter the Palika Bazaar. You can see ventilators of the market beside the poster.
The Hyderabad edition of the daily newspaper Deccan Chronicle dated January 7, 2006, page 5 reported details of Dr. Rao’s speech including the following. The article is entitled Tools to Trick Bomber’s Minds. A photo scan of this newspaper article is posted here.
Scientists are planning to use Low Frequency portable electromagnetic radiation tools to immobilise the suicide bombers, said Dr M.S. Rao, chief forensic scientist and director of Forensic Science from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Making a keynote address at the Forensic Science Forum as part of the 93rd Indian Science Congress held at the National Police Academy on Friday Mr. Rao said, “This technique of using electromagnetic radiation can control the mind of the suicide bomber and make him to leave his target place silently without making any effort to explode the bomb at the given area.” Mr Rao added, “We don’t have this technique available right now. We have to adopt the technology. It will show effect on the brain. Nowadays suicide attacks by terrorist outfits demand innovative planning and rethinking on forensic research. A suicide bomber has to be tackled properly by detecting explosives from safe stand off distances.”
“Forensic psychology also plays a vital role in dealing terrorist cases. Narco analysis and brainwave fingerprinting can reveal future plans of terrorists and can be deciphered to prevent terror activities,” Mr Rao said. “Preventive forensics will play a key role in countering terror acts. Cyber terrorists are targeting e-commerce and e-governance,” he added. “In jail, criminals talk with co-conspirators on mobile phones which is not permitted. Cellphone jammers in the jails make the mobile phone non-functional. This arrangement puts the jail officers and visitors to inconvenience. To overcome this problem, now cost-effective Frequency Selection Wall Paper Screens (FSS) with metal grids have been designed to filter all radio signals and silence the cell phone in jail. This arrangement will also help detect cell phones in jails when not switched off,” said Rao.
“Small radio isotope sources used for diagnostic purposes, therapy in hospitals and for Research in universities and organisations are pilfered and used in making in dirty bombs which after explosion can have severe radiation effect on water resources, animals and plants,” Mr Rao said. posted the following Hyderabad, January 07, 2006 newspaper article entitled Crime Base Shifting to Rural, Tribal Areas. The full article is posted here: concern that rural India is now the target of criminals and terrorists, Director-cum-Chief Forensic Scientist, Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr MS Rao said crime base is shifting from urban areas to rural and tribal areas and the government should strengthen forensic technology to fight against growing crime pattern.
Dr Rao said the present day society not only faces normal crimes but also face challenges from terrorism. He said there has been no serious thought as to how to effectively nip the threat in the bud. “Forensic potentials must be harnessed to detect and nullify their plans. Traditional methods have proved to be a failure to handle them. The latest trend is towards preventive forensics”, he added. . . .
Dr Rao said there are also challenges for forensic experts with respect to target oriented low frequency portable electromagnetic radiation tools, which could remotely be used by criminal on a person’s body parts and create havoc in respect of brain damage, heartache, kidney failure, liver damage.
An article found on Westlaw database added further information on the Forensic Science
Forum, 93rd Indian Science Congress meeting described in the news articles sent by the alleged victim. The Daily Excelsior, “the largest circulated daily of Jammu and Kashmir”, January 8, 2006, Crime Base Shifting to Rural, Tribal Areas reported:Dr Rao said urban public were now slowly geared to know more about forensics. But the rural and tribal population were yet to be educated about the forensic importance of crime scene management. “The forensic facilities should be brought to the door steps of common man. Rural awakening on forensic activism is the solution for better crime management,” he added.
Dr Rao said now terrorists were targeting e-commerce and e-governance. He said their safe functioning now depends on forensic capabilities. Preventive forensics and forensic intelligence gathering tools would play a major role in redefining safety and security standards not only in e-governance but also in civil aviation, internet surveillance and critical infrastructure protection, he said.
Dr Rao said forensic auditing could play a vital role for proper utilisation of funds right from the start till end-government policy formulation, programming and evaluation and impact assessment studies. He said IT had also given completely new shades and dimensions to criminal profiles. E-mail tracking tools along with e-mail data mining and filtering tools at ISP and server points have become essential for the investigating agencies, he added.
Dr Rao said there are also challenges for forensic experts with respect to target oriented low frequency portable electromagnetic radiation tools, which could remotely be used by criminal on a person’s body parts and create havoc in respect of brain damage, heartache, kidney failure, liver damage.
Dr Rao said Government should strengthen forensic technology in a mission mode for a crimeless rural and tribal population and to fight against the growing crime pattern which stands in the way of developmental activities in agriculture, medicine, economics, industry and communication.
Delivering the valedictory address, Andhra Pradesh Director-General of Police Swaranjit Sen said Indian Police has been serving the nation well despite many changes in society and politics. He said forensics always reminded the police of better and sophisticated way of policing. “Since forensic science has progressed fast over the years, the police officers and the IPS probationers need to gain more knowledge in this area. There is also need for more forensic labs in the country”, he added.
Nalsar University Vice Chancellor Dr Ranbir Singh, who presided over the function said still there was doubt whether courts would admit all the forensic evidence. He opined that the Science Congress should also have a session on law from the coming years.
Former director of Forensic Science Laboratory, Tamil Nadu Dr P Chandrasekharan said if forensic science is separated from basic sciences it would be a big blunder. He said Forensic Science was to be a part of the Indian Science Congress.
Referring to forensic technology and police interrogation, Dr Chandrasekharan suggested the police officers said basic police interrogation cannot be ignored just because of forensic technology. “Indian police is second to none. The police investigation is high level intellectual pursuit. Brain finger-printing is half baked evidence and it cannot be accepted as evidence”, he added.
Dr Chandrasekhar said India was still following the first generation of forensic technology. He said the advanced countries are following the third generation of forensic technology. The government needs to give lot of emphasis to forensic technology.
This information received wide coverage. The Hindu, “India’s National Newspaper” also reported this January 7th, 2006 story. Harness Forensic Science to Thwart Terror Plans. Scientist advocates ‘preventive forensics’ as traditional methods failed to handle terrorists. Crime base shifting from urban areas to rural areas. Forensic planning has to be formulated for rural and tribal population. The article is available online at M.S. Rao, Chief Forensic Scientist, Home Ministry, has said that the potential of forensic science must be harnessed to nip in the bud plans of terrorists, as traditional methods failed to handle them.
Delivering the keynote address at the valedictory of the Forensic Science Forum, held as part of the 93rd Indian Science Congress, here on Friday, he said that forensics was no more viewed as a tool for post-incident analysis. The latest trend was “preventive forensics”. It was used as a pre-incident analysing tool to detect/prevent crime. Stating that preventive forensics would play a major role in criminal justice system, Dr. Rao wanted the Government to strengthen forensic technology for a crimeless rural and tribal population. Taking advantage of the situation in rural areas, it was now feared that the crime base was shifting from urban areas. “These are now going to be breeding grounds for all sorts of criminal and terrorist activities. Forensic planning has to be formulated for rural and tribal population before crime took a deep root in those areas.
Vice-Chancellor NALSAR University Ranbir Singh stressed the need for greater interface between law and various sciences. The university Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics was drafting a DNA profiling bill, providing for an interface between law and forensic science.
DGP Swaranjit Sen said three more forensic science laboratories would be established in the State. P. Chandrasekharan, former director, Forensic Science Laboratory, Tamil Nadu, advised the police not to replace interrogation with other techniques. K.P.C. Gandhi, director, AP Forensic Science Laboratory, welcomed.
Background information: about Dr. M. S. Rao, Chief Forensic Scientist, Directorate of Forensic Science, Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, and the forensic concerns for India todayThe information below corroborates the alleged victim and the newspaper articles and indicate the eminent government status of Dr. Rao. A description of the Indian Science Congress and its programs is also included below and illustrates what India and forensic science is like today.
About Ministry of Home Affairs of the government of India
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is the central Ministry responsible for all matters relating to India’s internal security. As the policy and planning body for the growth and modernization of forensic science in India, their mandate is to become the premier Forensic Science Organization in the world in order to deter criminals. The MHA’s vision is to achieve this by remaining at the forefront of Forensic Science through continuous research and development efforts and the use of state of the art technology.
About the Indian Science Congress Association
The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) owes its origin to the foresight and initiative of two British Chemists, namely, Professor J. L. Simonsen and Professor P.S. MacMahon. It occurred to them that scientific research in India might be stimulated if an annual meeting of research workers somewhat on the lines of the British Association for the Advancement
of Science could be arranged.The Association was formed with the following objectives :
- to advance and promote the cause of science in India;
- to hold an annual congress at a suitable place in India;
- to publish proceedings, journals, transactions, etc;
- to popularise science.
From this modest beginning with hundred and five members and thirty five papers communicated for reading at the first session, ISCA has grown into a strong fraternity with more than ten thousand members to date. The number of papers communicated for reading has risen to nearly one thousand.
There are now fourteen sections namely Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, Anthropological and Behavioural Sciences (including Archaeology and Psychology & Educational Sciences), Chemical Sciences, Earth System Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Information and Communication Science & Technology (including Computer Sciences), Material Sciences, Mathematical Sciences (including Statistics), Medical Sciences (including Physiology), New Biology (including Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology and Biotechnology), Physical Sciences, Plant Sciences and one Committee Science & Society. . . .
Integrated Rural Development: Science and Technology, hosted by Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- The Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata
India made significant and impressive progress and forged ahead in all walks of life and is set to become a Developed Nation by 2020. The advancements in science and technology, together with enabling public policies, foster the growth and development of the country. The visionary first Prime Minister of India has laid firm foundations for sound scientific research by establishing a network of national Scientific Laboratories.
Despite all the achievements made in the fields of science and technology, food front, industries, rural India is plagued with multitude of daunting problems, lacking even the minimum basic human needs like safe drinking water, hospitals, health care, sanitation, educational facilities, proper housing, storage and roads etc. The fact is, seventy two percent of India’s population (1025 million) lives in seven lakh villages, with a low per capita income of less than 11/2 dollars a day and a parity purchasing power of mere 8.2US $. Twenty six percent of India’s population is below the poverty line with no security of any kind. The country produces food enough for its huge population, yet paradoxically, those below the poverty line do not have access to food, because with the meager income they are unable to purchase food.
They must have gainful employment to earn more. The quality of life of people in rural India is poor compared to the urbans. If India has to be a global power, the country has to be economically strong, apart from being scientifically strong. India’s economy basically is agrarian with 67 percent people dependent on agriculture, the sector contributing 25-26 percent to GDP and 14-15 percents of country’s exports accounted by agriculture and allied sectors. It is now recognized that agriculture, horticulture, livestock, poultry and fisheries sectors would play a dominant role in the future economy of the country to maintain a high GDP growth rate. Economic and political thinkers agree that sine qua non of national development is agriculture and rural development.
It is, therefore, necessary to inquire, to what extent scientists and scientific labs have responded to the needs of the society/country in the context of changed scenario; nationally and globally; globalization and WTO? Are there implementable technologies?
Are they adequate, relevant to the local conditions and resources to meet the challenges of rural India? Who are their clients and stakeholders? Did they accept the technologies? To What Extent the scientific labs and Scientists have re-oriented research to serve the stakeholders?
Focus Areas
- Sustainable agriculture and allied sectors for enhanced productivity and quality and food, nutrition and household security.
- Education-Enterprise and employment oriented education and training for production, value addition, local and national needs - whither science education and research.
- Health care - Health secure India
- Water security and Sanitation.
- Cottage, small scale and agro-based industries.
- Processing, value addition for profitability and exports.
- Bio-diversity conservation, eco-technologies, marine technologies and natural resources management.
- Non-conventional energy sources and bio-diesel.
- Physical infrastructure, transport, communications and internet connectivity.
- Women and youth empowerment, employment guarantee, farm and non-farm sectors.
- Marketing, storage, market intelligence, inter-national trade.
- Natural disasters management and preparedness-cyclones, floods, drought, earthquakes, tidal waves/tsunami.
- Harnessing indigenous knowledge and frontier technologies-biotechnology, information technology, remote sensing technology, space technology, nano technology, communication technology-technology parks.
- Poverty alleviation and improving quality of life
- Science and technology for sustainable development and in response to basic human needs.
- Cutting edge technologies, knowledge and information empowerment. India as a global partner in herbal, IT and pharma products.
- Training for services, tourism, entertainment, fine arts and rural crafts.
- Frontiers in pharma products and business process outstanding in pharma sector.
- Impact of WTO, PPV, IPR, TRIPS, SPS on Indian economy and sustainable development.
- Public private partnership and industry academia partnership.
Background information: India’s 1993 terrorist bombings and brain mapping forensic tools
The alleged victim also sent the following background information.
In recent news Abu Selam a wanted underground Don who was caught in Pourtagal and extradited to India. He was wanted in Bombay Bomb Blasts cases 1993. The police conducted lie detector test on him, Narco Analysis ( some medicine is injected due to which the subject looses voluntary control over self mind and gives true answers), and brain mapping investigations to record his confiscations. These things came in the news in that connection.
As Dr. Rao explained, forensic science in India is very concerned with terrorism. A 2003 India newspaper account explained why. The url is here, followed by the relevant excerpts.
It has been a decade since the terrible bomb blasts shook the city. And while in its true spirit, the city bounced back to normalcy the very next day, there is no arguing that the scars of the worst urban terrorism (before 9/11) still remain un-obliterated. Here’s a look at the cause and effect of what happened on this dreadful day 10 years ago.
The D-Day:
On Friday, the 12th of March 1993, Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, was rocked by a series of bomb explosions, which resulted in the death of 257 people, injuries to 713 and damage to public property worth Rs.27 crores.Location of the blasts:
The blasts were caused at prestigious and important buildings like Mumbai Stock Exchange, Air-India Building, Hotel Sea Rock, Hotel Juhu Centaur, Hotel Airport Centaur and busy commercial areas like Zaveri Bazar, Century Bazar and Katha Bazar. Explosions were also caused near Shiv Sena Bhawan and at Plaza Theatre. Simultaneously, hand-grenades were thrown at Sahar International Airport and at Fishermen’s Colony inhabited by members of Hindu community at Mahim, with the object to incite communal violence.The culprits:
According to the investigation agencies the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan, incited three Bombay underworld dons namely Dawood Ibrahim, Tiger Memon and Mohd. Dossa to seek revenge by causing bomb explosions and by committing other terrorist acts.Modus Operandi:
A large quantity of arms and explosives were smuggled into the country during Jan. and Feb.1993. The smuggled consignments landed at Dighi Jetti and Shekhadi Coast in Distt. Raigad. New vehicles to be used as vehicle bombs were purchased in fictitious names by making payments in cash. The vehicles included vans, cars, jeeps and scooters. False cavities were made in the vehicles so as to use them for filling RDX.The explosive material, which was stored at different places in Bombay, was transported to the garages at Al-Hussaini Building. During the night of 11/12th March, 1993, one by one, the said new vehicles were brought in the compound of Al-Hussaini building, and RDX mixed with iron scrap, nails, bolts etc., was filled in the cavities.
End of trial, brings no reprieve
At noon yesterday, India’s longest-running trial closed. . . .The judgement, which is expected within the next six months, will end not just the longest trial, but also perhaps one of the most complex cases handled by the Indian judiciary. There are 122 accused facing trial for the world’s worst terrorist attack till WTC happened and the judge has to refer to 42,000 pages of charges and evidence.
One of the terrorist suspects, Abu Salem will undergo brain mapping according to the following articles. This first article describes the charges against Abu Salem. November 11, 2005, VOA [Voice of America] News: Prime Suspect in 1993 Bombay Bomb Blasts Extradited to India, by Anjana Pasricha.
A prime suspect in a wave of bomb blasts that hit Bombay in 1993 has been
extradited to India from Portugal. Abu Salem is one of India’s most wanted
men. . . .Indian authorities say Abu Salem, along with an associate, Dawood Ibrahim,
planned a series of explosions that ripped through Bombay in 1993, killing
more than 250 people and injuring hundreds more.It was India’s deadliest terrorist attack, and was believed to be in
retaliation for religious riots that killed hundreds of Muslims earlier that
year in Bombay. . . .A government prosecutor says Abu Salem will face charges of committing a
terrorist act against the country, criminal conspiracy, and supply of arms
and ammunition.Before his flight from the country, Mr. Salem was one of the Indian
underworld’s most dreaded figures. Indian officials say he is also a suspect
in several high profile cases involving Bombay film producers and actors,
including murders, extortion and kidnapping..This Hindu newspaper article mentioned the brain mapping tests of Abu Salem by government officials. December 29, 2005, Abu Salem Put to Lie Detector Test, To be subjected to brain mapping in builder murder case.
Abu Salem arriving for lie detector test at the Forensic Science Laboratory. During the nearly five-hour test, Salem was posed several questions with regard to the murder of Pradeep Jain, a Mumbai builder, who was shot dead at his Andheri office in March 1995, official sources said. . . . According to the sources, Salem will be also be subjected to brain mapping and narco-analysis to ascertain his suspected involvement in the Jain murder case.
The two tests are likely to be conducted on Thursday and Friday, they said.
Experts from the FSL, with the assistance of doctors, will conduct narco-analysis on him at the Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital, the sources said.According to city police sources, Salem will be lodged in an “undisclosed and secure place” here till the tests are completed. The police tightened security at the FSL on Wednesday. On a request by the Mumbai’s Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), which is probing the Jain murder case, a TADA Court there on Friday granted mandatory permission for subjecting Salem to narco-analysis.
This article mentioned the brain mapping test to be performed on Abu Salem. Hindustan Times, January 7, 2006, The Cops’ Magic Potion.
New Delhi, India, After doctors at Bowring and Lady Curzon hospital in Bangalore injected a combination of Dextrose and Sodium Pentathol and Dextrose mixed with water into Abu Salem’s blood stream, he talked at length about his life in the last 15 years, answering questions fired by experts.
The interrogators had reasons to believe all that they heard. This was narco analysis in action. The answers, according to forensic sources, could provide vital clues that could change the investigation path. However, the forensic officials refused to confirm the names of celebrities and the role they played.
So, what is narco analysis all about? In this test, the person’s imagination is neutralised by making him/her sub-conscious. The experts first inject the “truth serum” (sodium pentathol or sodium amytal) ahead of the tests. Soon after, simple but specific questions are posed. The answers will be spontaneous as the person cannot manipulate them (answers). Simultaneously, a team of doctors will monitor his reactions, even facial expressions, and parameters such as his pulse rate, heart beat and body temperature. Based on reports of these tests, the investigating officers corroborate information gathered previously on a person’s involvement in crime.
According to Dr P Mohan, Director, Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Bangalore, Investigating officers (IOs) who know the importance of all three tests - polygraph (lie detector), narco analysis and brain mapping, will subject criminals to all of them. Otherwise, the officers settle only for polygraph. “If the officers discover that one is deceptive during polygraph, then brain mapping comes into play followed by narco analysis. All these tests take about three to five hours. We have been doing polygraph tests for almost a decade now and have been conducting brain mapping for six to seven years. But it’s not necessary that any criminal brought here must be subjected to all the three tests,” Dr Mohan said.
The name polygraph comes from the fact that the machine records several different body responses simultaneously as the individual is questioned. A series of different sensors are attached to the body, and as the polygraph measures changes in breathing, blood pressure, pulse and perspiration, pens record the data on graph paper. During a lie detector test, the scientist asks a series of control questions that set the pattern of how an individual responds when giving true and false answers. Then the actual questions are asked, mixed in with filler questions.
Mind Justice will continue to research this topic, as a description of the brain mapping test, in use in India for several years, according to India newspaper articles, could not be found. Please click to e-mail Mind Justice at
to share any further information on this topic. Mind Justice welcomes any newspaper reporters to investigate further and answer the many questions raised by this information. So far, no responses from India newspapers and India government officials, etc. have been forthcoming.
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