Advanced Electromagnetic Weapons Technology
Yet Another Classified Experiment Program
in Addition to Radiation Experiments
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On Friday, June 28th, 1991,
The Plain Dealer reported the plight of Delores Hejazi. The article
reported that "A Parma woman was charged in the fatal stabbing of one
daughter....She discussed the concerns she has had over the past two years
of being repeatedly attacked and tortured by government agencies, beam
weaponry and laser technology." Delores said that they were targeting her
three children and that she wanted to spare them the pain and torture.
Delores made a statement to Harlan Girard of the International
Committee for the Convention Against Offensive Microwave Weapons. This
organization documents nonconsensual weapon testing research on human
subjects with microwave technology, such as microwave hearing, (Microwave
hearing is the hearing of voices, as in mental illness except that it is
caused by a microwave signal). Hejazi described much more than reported in
the newspaper account. She reported laser holes in her curtains and
furniture and even on her skin. Her statement says that she complained to
the Internal Revenue Service by letter and her problems abruptly started.
She had nightmares of people dressed in black. Also, she stated that she
experienced numerous coincidences and believed that a thought or mental
suggestion had been implanted in her subconscious so that it coincided
with a preselected incident the following day. For example, Delores would
bake brownies and the following day would read in the newspaper horoscope
that "you make brownie points with your supervisors..." Many of these
numerous coincidences were threatening and out of the ordinary and added
up to a pattern of harassment.
One explanation of how this could be done from a remote location is
discussed in
Defense News, January 11-17, 1993 in an article entitled "U.S.
Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology".
It desribes sophisticated military weaponry.
...the capability to control minds and alter behavior of
civilians and soldiers may soon be shared with U.S. military, medical and
political officials, according to U.S. and Russian sources....acoustic
psychocorrection involves the transmission of specific commands via static
or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other
intellectual functions.
These are military weapons, designed to defeat the enemy and if Russia
has this technology, the U.S. government would have to develop these
weapons also. As disturbing as this technology would be during wartime,
the related alleged experimentation on victims such as Hezazi is just as
It is plausible that electromagnetic technology is a current and very
classified U.S. government capability, and that this computer-to-brain
remote neural monitoring and direct brain communication is being tested on
human guinea pigs such as Hejazi. Certainly many victims do believe that
the capability to create computerized artificial intelligence thought
patterns exists and that the U.S. government would not reveal a classified
weapon testing program even if they had it. The National Security Act
enables the U.S. government to prosecute any person who releases
classified information. Additionally, there is evidence that the U.S.
government has the electromagnetic technology to
create mental illness in order to discredit any victim as in
an intelligence operation. This would be a potent government tool.
Readers of this article may find it hard to believe that the U.S.
government would do this. Govermental experimentation programs such as the
radiation experiments exposed in late 1993, the Gulf War Syndrome in the
early 1990s and now electromagnetic technology are coming to light after
years of cover up. Victims face massive credibility problems such as the
use of psychiatric records to discredit victims such as Hejazi. However,
there is mounting evidence to the contrary. As seen, for example in the
government denials around Gulf War Syndrome, history has shown that
victims deserve the benefit of the doubt. Victims today are alleging
illegal electromagnetic weapon experimentation and a thorough
investigation would be prudent.
Probable Classified Electromagnetic Tools for Domestic Intelligence
Operations and The Testing of This Capability on U.S. Citizens
Martin Luther King, the famous civil rights leader in the 1960s, was a
target of an illegal FBI and CIA domestic intelligence program. The FBI's
Cointelpro, counterintelligence program was designed to disrupt groups and
neutralize individuals deemed to be threats to domestic security. From
late 1963 until his death in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the target
of an intensive campaign by the FBI to neutralize him as an effective
civil rights leader. No holds were barred. The FBI gathered information
about Dr. King's plans and activities through an extensive surveillance
program, employing nearly every intelligence-gathering technique at the
Bureau's disposal in order to obtain information about the private
activities of Dr. King and his advisors [to] completely discredit them
with executive brance officials, congressional leaders, foreign heads of
state, american ambassadors, churches, universities and the press.
1 Victims today are claiming government harassment in the same
way as Dr. King but with the new electromagnetic technologies.
Tragically, Hejazi reported numerous physical symptoms which she
attributed to "government agencies" such as the CIA. Hejazi stated that
"[my] own nervous system was used and I felt what it is like to be
electrocuted. If I had had a revolver, I would've taken my life for fear
of being made to feel it again." Hezazi described the pains as being
unbearable, causing her to feel "like bacon frying in a pan, " or as
though rats were chewing at her feet" (The
Plain Dealer, December 21, 1991). This remote torturing would
eliminate the need for threats of loss of a job, ruining a political
career, or threats of physical harm. This technology leaves no easily
documentable proof, unlike physical scars, poison or a paper trail.
According to declassifed government documents, one goal is to reliably get
a victim to commit suicide with no tie to the U.S. government. It is clear
that the motives of the U.S. government and potential capabilities of this
technology need to be further examined.
It is also a matter of record that Hezazi documented car and telephone
irregularities and I have also experienced similar inexplicable problems
with any electical system, television or radio at any location. Like
Hejazi, I experienced a statistically higher than normal amount of
coincidences; for example I would eat sardines in the privacy of my home
the day before and an empty can of sardines would be in my path at school
the next day. These experiences have been documented with 24 hour video
tapes. This is repeated several times a day and is not a figment of the
imagination. A University of California at Davis statistics professor
compiled a report of this effect. Many victims have verified this odd
cluster of similar symptoms.
Government Records Reveal The Means and Motive For Development of
Electromagnetic Intelligence Tools And Weapons
Evidence of electromagnetic technology as an explanation for Hejazi's
complaint are found in numerous government publications. The 1996 U.S. Air
Force Scientific Advisory Board report is almost an exact match of
electromagnetic technology to Hejazi's testimony.
The literature regarding the interaction of biological
processes with electromagnetic fields is growing at a rapid rate. ...[T]he
develpment of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be
pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a
fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements,
control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions,
interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience
set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door for the
development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict,
in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training.
This report further demonstrates that Hejazi's electrocution experience
could be engineered with the capabilities of military technology on the
drawing board today. This is the official record and it in not known what
is classified..
...[T]he concept of imprinting an experience set is
[speculative, but nonetheless], highly exciting. Modern electromagnetic
scattering theory raises the prospect that ultrashort pulse scattering
through the human brain can result in reflected signals that can be used
to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous systme
arousal. The concept behind this "remote EEG" is to scatter off of action
potentials or ensembles of action potentials in major central nervous
system tracts...[in order to] duplicate the experience set in another
This U.S. Air Force document also offers an alternate explanation to
the diagnosis of schizophrenia by Hejazi's psychiatrist.
It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech
in the human body, raising the possiblity of covert suggestion and
psychological driection. When a high power microwave pulse in the
gigahertz range strinke the human body, a very small temperature
perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of a
slightly heated tissue. This expansions is fast enough to produce an
acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create
an internal acoustic filed in the 5-15 kilohertz range, which is audible.
Thus, it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion
that would be most disturbing to them.
Government Experimentation Using Electromagnetic Weaponry Claimed By
Growing Numbers Of U.S. Citizens
Victims report being remotely monitored 24 hours a day no matter where
they go, by government electromagnetic and satelite technology. In this
way, many baseline studies could be done in a manner similar to radiation
experiments. Both mind control researchers and victims have evidence that
this is U.S. government weapon testing experimentation which began in the
1960s for political and military purposes. The government bureaucracy for
readiation experiments would most likely be the same as for alleged
electromagnetic experiments. Mr. Harlan Girard is a well-established
researcher. In 1989, the FBI refused Mr. Girard access to his own files on
the grounds that the files are "exempt from mandatory release on the basis
of 5 U.S.C. 522 (b)".
2 This section of the U.S. Code is applicable to documents "to
be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy." The
National Security Act is impossible to overcome even when trying to
document illegal government experimentation.
Electromagnetic technology was used to discredit Hejazi and to enable
indiscriminate experimentation on myself and other victims. Noone who
could help Hejazi believed her "crazy" complaint that the government was
"bombarding her with laser beams". Now it seems that the U.S. government
does not have to limit their experiments to powerless or poor victims as
anyone is a potential guinea pig or target. Martin Luther King was
tape recorded in sexually compromising positions and received threatening
notes and now the U.S. government may be discrediting people with new
technologies. Examine the similarities of the cases, laser burns in the
Hejazi case, the numerous video recordings of inexplicable electrical,
phone and car problems in my case and descriptions of psychological
harassment and torture in scientific papers and declassified government
documents. Tie this to a possible classified U.S. technology capability to
harass and mimic mental illness. Evidence is available to prove that this
is an illegal testing program of a variety of U.S. intelligence high tech
There is a strong link between the allegations of victims and the
current development of electromagnetic technology, (see footnote
3). Delores Hejazi died of throat cancer and never found
justice for the heinous crimes she endured. Her story needs to be told.
Victims are organizing and maybe they can prevent this human rights abuse
from happening in the future so that the lessons from radiation
experimentation will be assured. More documentation is available upon
request and for networking on this issue, please see footnote 3.
Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, Annals of America, Challenge of
Interdependence, Vol. 20, 1977 p. 281-2
2. Mr. Girard is the author of
Effects of GHz Radiation on the Human Neuro-musculo-skeletal System:
Recent Developments in the Technology of Political Control, prepared for
the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coherent and Emergent Phenomena in
Biomolecular Systems, University of Arizona, Jan 15-19, 1991. He can
be reached at International Committee for the Convention Against Offensive
Microwave Weapons, PO Box 58700 Philadelphia, PA 19102-8700, (215)
3. Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, Cheryl Welsh, (916) 758-1626 or [updated]. We are currently organizing victims as a group
in order to stop nonconsensual experimentation via the public, the legal
community, Congress and at the international level.
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