Photos from the 1999
72 page book
by N. Ansimov entitled
Psychotronic Golgotha
with comparisons to U.S.
Newworld Dictionary: Golgotha, the place where Jesus was
1. a burial place. 2. a place of agony or sacrifice.
Also see Psychotronic
Golgatha by by N.I. Anisimov, 1999
Mind Justice Home

Three protest signs, left to right:
1. Psychotronic Genocide is the work of the Central
Committee Communist Party! Nuremberg-2 Inevitable!
2. SOS! Russia is in Danger of Going Psychotronic
3. No psychotronic weapons! no psychofascism!
If the government is going from communism to fascism,
then where are we going?
The FSB is using psychotronic weapons. They can
paralyse, and send to prison or a psychiatric ward anyone they want
People! Your private and intimate lives are
under the
control of the "special Service" and the military.
Central Committee Russian Communist Party and KGB-
Officially stop the government from using
psychotronic weapons against the
International Day to fight for the prohibition of
psychotronic weapons.
(September 10th)
No psychotronic weapons. No psychofascism.
Take the Central Committee Communist Party
and KGB to an international
Translation by Ramon Ruelas
U.S. victims protest classifed
nonconsensual weapons experiments

California State Capitol
November 17, 2002
Special Assignment
Do you believe in government mind control?
REPORTER - Ross Blackstone
APPEARED ON - News at 5:00, News at 6:00, THE 10:00 News (11/17/00)
Imagine everywhere you go, someone is watching you, reading your
thoughts, and controlling your mind.
Periodically over the past several decades, we've heard of situations
when the U.S. government has experimented on human beings. Some cases have
involved nuclear weapons, others, LSD and mind control. Is it possible
something similar could happen to us right now without our knowledge? In
this special assignment, Ross Blackstone introduces us to northern
Californians who say it is and they have proof.
They believe the government is sending radio waves to directly effect the
unique electromagnetic waves in their brains.
Imagine everywhere you go, someone is watching you, reading your
thoughts, and controlling your mind.
Pictures "Courtesy of KOVR13 News"
Full Story
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