Editor's Brief Summary
UN Committee on Disarmament Discussed |
This very important document, to follow in its entirety, described electromagnetic technology in detail. This clearly and irrefutably establishes the fact that the superpowers were concerned and undoubtedly were developing electromagnetic anti-personnel weapons in 1979. This is worth reading. Mr. Harlan Girard of the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons found this document at the UN library in New York.
The title is: "Negotiations on the question of the prohibition of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons".
U.N Committee on Disarmament document CD/35 10 July 1979 by V.L. Issraelyan, Representative of the USSR to the Committee on Disarmament.
Union of Soviet socialist Republics
Negotiations on the question of the prohibition of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons
In the context of the current scientific and technological revolution and the unprecedented increase in the role of science in accelerating the general progress of mankind, there is, quite objectively, a growing danger of scientific and technological achievements being used to develop new weapons and, what is particularly dangerous, to develop new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction. As everyone knows, the process by which new weapons are developed -- once started -- is extremely difficult to stop. It is therefore vitally important, without waiting for any such irreversible turn of events, to obviate the very possibility of new types of weapons of mass destruction being developed.
To this end, the Soviet Union submitted a draft "agreement-on the prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons" to the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1975. The General Assembly requested the Committee on Disarmament to work out the text of a draft international agreement on this question.
Subject of negotiations
Taking account of the progress made in the discussion of this draft agreement, the Soviet Union submitted an expanded draft agreement on the prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons to the Committee on Disarmament in August 1977 (CCD/511/Rev.1). In this document, the Soviets Union drew attention to the question that must be resolved before all others, namely, that of the subject and scope of the prohibition of systems of weapons of mass destruction that is as close as possible to the 1948 forum on which there is already broad agreement among many States.
In order to make it easier to arrive at a generally-acceptable solution to the question of the scope of the prohibition, the Soviet Union considered that it would be useful for the agreement to contain both a general definition of the new types of weapons of mass destruction to be prohibited and a list of the specific type and systems of such weapons. This approach is reflected in the expanded draft agreement, the annex to which contains an approximate list of types and systems of weapons of mass destruction, including:
- Radiological means acting with the aid of radioactive materials;
- Technical means of inflicting radiation injury based on the use of charged or neutral particles to affect biological targets;
- Infrasonic means using acoustic radiation to affect biological targets;
- Means using electromagnetic radiation to affect biological target.
In order to accommodate the views of members of the Committee on Disarmament, the Soviet side had the expanded draft agreement provide for the possibility, should the need arise, of prohibiting specific new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction on the basis of separate agreements.
Thus, the proposals of the USSR on the scope and subject of the prohibition provide for:
- The conclusion of a comprehensive agreement on the prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction, with a list of specific types of weapons to be prohibited;
- The possibility of supplementing the list of prohibited new types of weapons of mass destruction in the future; and
- the possibility of concluding separate agreements on specific new types of weapons of mass destruction.
Scientific and technical basis for the possible development of certain new types of weapons of mass destruction
The approximate list of possible new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction covers physical effects, the harmful or fatal consequences of which for the human organism have already been thoroughly investigated; the general level and orientations of the corresponding fields of science and technology are such that these physical effects might find a practical application in real weapons in the foreseeable future.
Radiological weapons
The danger of radiological weapons being developed is based on the existence in principle of the possibility of using radioactive materials in order to injure, damage or cause harm by means of the radioactive radiation produced when such materials decay.
The way in which radioactive materials affect human beings has been adequately studied and consists in the destruction of biological structures under the influence of the ionizing radiation resulting from the radioactive decay of such materials. There is every reason to believe that the effects of radiological weapons, should they be developed, would be similar to the effects of the radioactive materials which are formed in nuclear explosions and which cause the radioactive contamination of the area. The danger of radiological weapons appearing is increased by the rapid development of nuclear industry and technology in many countries of the world; this creates the objective conditions necessary for the widespread dissemination of radioactive materials and increases the potential danger of such materials being used to develop radiological weapons.
There is broad international agreement on the question of the need to prevent the possible emergence of radiological weapons. The joint USSR-United States negotiations on major elements of a treaty prohibiting the development, production, stockpiling and use of radiological weapons have now been successfully completed and the agreed proposals on this question have been submitted to the Committee on Disarmament for consideration.
2. Technical means of inflicting radiation injury based on the use of charged or neutral particles to affect biological targets
The danger with regard to the development of technical means of inflicting radiation injury based on the use of charged or neutral particles lies in the existence of the possibility of in principle using bundles of charged or neutral particles (electrons, protons, neutral atoms, etc.) to cause injury to biological target, and in the existence -- even now-- of the scientific and technological basis for the possible future development of sources of such particles that could be used for these purposes. It has been established with a considerable degree of certainty that the way in which the particles that can be used for such purposes cause injury is in many respects similar to the way in which the radiation from a nuclear explosion causes injury.
Sufficiently powerful bundles of charged or neutral particles can now be produced in, for example, the accelerators which are being widely used both for research on high-energy physics and the atomic nucleus and of work in other fields of science and technology, including agriculture and medicine. Several countries are already operating or installing proton accelerators in which the energy of the accelerated particles attains hundreds of millions of electron volts, high-current accelerators of the meson facility type and high -current continuous or pulsed electron accelerators. Several countries are carrying out intensive work on the development of fundamentally new methods of accelerating charged particles, and, taken together with the success achieved with regard to the development of superconducting materials, this opens up real possibilities of reducing the size and weight of accelerator systems and the sources of energy used to operate them and, in theory, paves the way in the foreseeable future for the development of powerful accelerator devices-- whose weight and dimensions could permit their use as weapons. Direct confirmation of the possibility of this happening is provided by the programme of work being carried out in the United States with a view to developing weapons using bundles of accelerated charged or neutral particles, as may be seen from published accounts of hearings in the Untied States Congress and other material that has appeared in the United States press.
3. Infrasonic means using acoustic radiation to affect biological targets
Weapons based on the utilization of the radiation of acoustic generators in the infrasonic range may become one of the possible new types of weapons of mass destruction. Data to be found in scientific literature convincingly demonstrate the existence of a wide spectrum of damaging effects of infrasonic oscillations on the human organism and other biological targets. The mechanism of such effects can be of the most widely varying kind -- mechanical, biological or neurochemical. Evidence of the danger of the damaging effects of such oscillations on human beings is, in particular, offered by the fact that many countries have already introduced health regulations in respect of maximum admissible acoustic effects. Particular concern is caused by available data concerning the harmful effects of low-power infrasonic oscillations on biocurrents of the brain and the nervous system as a whole and, thereby, on the psychic condition and intellect of human beings. In assessing the potential danger of the utilization of infrasound as a weapon of mass destruction, great importance attaches to its basic physical property --that of practically unimpeded propagation over large distances without noticeable attenuation. The development of powerful engines in connexion with advances in rocket technology, supersonic aircraft and in other areas of technology offers a technical basis for creation of powerful long-range installations with characteristics which may make such installations suitable for use as infrasonic weapons.(Editor's note. This is a strikingly similar description of the Russian Woodpecker radio signal broadcast over the United States in 1976.(See CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website under Timeline 1976).
4. Means using electromagnetic radiation to affect biological targets
As a result of research into the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological targets, the existence of harmful effects of radio-frequency radiations within a wide range of frequencies on such vitally important organs of the human as the heart, the brain and the central nervous system may now be regarded as a firmly established fact. Assessments quoted in international literature of the potential danger of the development of a new weapons of mass destruction are based on the results of research into the so-called "non-thermal" effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological targets. These effects may take the form of damage to or disruption of the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the human organism or of changes in its functioning.
As regards the possibility of devising technical means of generating electromagnetic radiation, many countries already have a highly developed technical base in the field of radio engineering and radio electronics. Powerful high-frequency generators, radar devices and other radio engineering installations serving various purposes have been developed and brought into use. The development of these means reflects a common trend in that efforts are being made to improve their characteristics, increase their efficiency and reduce their dimensions. Data available in the scientific literature show that the peak capacity of electromagnetic radiation generators has increased almost a hundredfold during the past four years alone. It is expected that, in the next five or six years, means capable of the directional transmission of electromagnetic radiation density in excess of known safety standards will be attainable in areas measuring dozens of square kilometres.
It is therefore to be expected that, taking into account further achievements in science and technology, it may be possible in time to devise means of generating powerful electromagnetic oscillations whose parameters could make those means suitable for use as a new type of weapon of mass destruction.
During the course of the discussion in the Committee on Disarmament of the question of the prohibition of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction, Soviet experts as well as experts from a number of other countries adduced concrete scientific data and facts which convincingly demonstrate that, in view of the present level of science and technology in certain areas, it is scientifically justified to speak of the possibility of developing corresponding new types of weapons of mass destruction, and in particular those listed in the annex to the expanded draft agreement. It is practically no longer possible at the present time to dispute the fact that the possibility of developing new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction -- the consequences of whose emergence are as yet difficult to foresee -- exists, and that the problem of the comprehensive prohibition of the development, manufacture and stockpiling of new types and systems of such weapons is therefore a pressing one.
Organizational measures
Taking into account the approach adopted by the Western countries to the solution of the problem of the prohibitions of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction, the Soviet Union took yet another constructive step, and on 28 March 1978 proposed the establishment, under the auspices of the Committee on Disarmament, of an ad hoc group of qualified governmental experts to consider the question of possible areas of the development of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction to be included in the initial list of the types of such weapons to be prohibited under a comprehensive agreement. This would ensure an even more comprehensive study and identification of potentially dangerous areas as regards the development of new types of weapons of mass destruction. A group of this kind could continuously observe developments in this field and, at the very earliest stage of the possible emergence of new types of weapons of mass destruction, make appropriate recommendations to the Committtee on Disarmament.
Other negotiations
The conduct of negotiations on the prohibition of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons will be without prejudice to bilateral and multilateral negotiations relating to various aspects of arms limitation and disarmament.
The world's concern at the danger of the development of weapons of mass destruction is reflected in paragraph 39 of the Final Document adopted by the specific session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1978, which emphasizes that:
"Qualitative and quantitative disarmament measures are both important for halting the arms race. Efforts to that end must include negotiations on the limitation and cessation of the qualitative improvement of armaments, especially weapons of mass destruction and the development of new means of warfare so that ultimately scientific and technological achievements may be used solely for peaceful purposes".
The decision proposed by the Soviet Union makes it possible to achieve the prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction in potentially dangerous areas already detected and also, in principle, to erect a barrier against the possible emergence of such weapons as a result of progress in other spheres of science and technology.
Editor's note: This is the end of the article.
The history of electromagnetic weapons can be also be found in international documents such as the International Committee of the Red Cross Report. Review Conference of the 1980 Convention page 158 entitled Future Weapons.
"The Conference of Government Experts that met in Lucerne and Lugano in 1974 and 1976, and whose findings served as a basis for the United Nations conference that adopted the 1980 convention, discussed a number of futuristic weapons. these included laser weapons, microwave, infrasound, and light-flash devices, environmental warfare and electronic warfare. The experts recognized that at that time it was too early to consider specific restrictions on devices that were only at the research stage. However, the majority stress the importance of keeping a close watch on developments in order to introduce specific prohibitions or limitations that might be necessary before the weapon in question became widely accepted. regards the futuristic weapons discussed a the Lucerne/Lugano Conference, developments in laser technology have raised the possibility of one disturbing application, namely, the use of lasers as anti-personnel weapons to damage eyesight. This matter is referred to above under the heading "Blinding weapons". There has also been further research into other new technologies, in particular directed energy weapons such as high-power microwave and infrasound devices. ...In particular, it is important to ensure that new weapons do not have indiscriminate effects and that they do not contravene the rule prohibiting the use of weapons of a nature to cause unnecessary suffering or superfluous injury to combatants."The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute was also actively reporting on electromagnetic weapons in the 1978 book Anti-personnel Weapons in the chapter entitled Electric, acoustic and electromagnetic-wave weapons. Here are some very important excerpts.
SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (1978). Anti-personnel Weapons. Crane, Russak & Company, New York.
Chapter 8. Electric, acoustic and electromagnetic-wave weapons
p.203. "It has also been suggested that at very low frequencies, resonances may be set up at other sites in the body, such as the heart, with various physiological effects, including possibly death, as a result. It appears that these phenomena have been investigated with a view to possible military applications."
p. 205 " It has been known for many years that the human brain is dependent for its normal functioning on a regular input of sensory stimuli. Sensory deprivation leads to hallucinations and finally to mental breakdown. ...the technique 'clearly amounted to brutality' and was 'dangerous both to the immediate mental health of the individual subjected to this treatment and to the long-term health of some subjects' (Amnesty International 1971).
p. 206 " Stroboscopic flashing has also been considered for use against demonstrators in civil disturbances. At 5-15 Hz, it can cause various physical symptoms and it is believed that it may initiate epileptic seizures in a small proportion of people. The fact that flashing lights can precipitate epileptic fits has been known for many years,... ...Possible military potential was investigated in the 1960s and a device known as the Photic Driver was developed by a British company, Allen International (New Scientist, 29 March 1973). The use of a Photic Driver by South African police during interrogation of prisoners has been reported."
p. 208 "There has been speculation on the use of lasers as weapons for some time (e.g., Meyer-Arendt, 1968; Foley, 1972; Born, 1976). ...It can be calculated that a 1kW CO2 laser beam will cause a localized soft tissue burn 1 cm deep over an area of 1 cm2 within one second. ...Firstly, it means that the human eye is particularly sensitive to laser beams.
p. 208 The proliferation of high-power radio transmitters and powerful radars employing microwaves has stimulated some research into the biological effects of such waves (Harrison, 1973; Lebowitz, 1972).Microwaves are already widely used for the rapid heating of foods, and the possibility of using them as weapons provoked some discussion at the Lucerne Conference of Government Experts (ICRC, 1974). Military research into the effects of microwaves on animals and materials is continuing (U.S. Army Research and Development News Magazine, March-April 1977).
1977, August 22,. Soviet Propose Ban on 'Exotic' Weapons . Aviation Week and Space Technology. pg. 21.
"Soviet Union last week proposed to the Trinational Nuclear Arms Limitation Conference in Geneva a comprehensive agreement on development of so-called exotic weapons, including those involving charged or neutral particles. ...The Soviet proposed that development and manufacture of four general classes of weapons be prohibited. These included : ...Infrasonic means of using acoustic radiation to affect biological targets. Means of using electromagnetic radiation to affect biological targets.
The U.S. later told the Soviets that while it viewed the Soviet proposal "with interest" it felt that the best way to prevent development and manufacture of exotic new weapons is to keep the entire field of weapons development under review, identify new weapons or weapons concepts and then specifically tailor methods of control for each new type of weapon "to assure compliance." The U.S. said it did not believe that nations needed to wait until a new weapon was developed to seek ways of controlling it, but that it did not believe a single treaty could cover all possible developments.
1979, June 27. Gromyko's Press Conference. BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. Part 1 the USSR;C. the aftermath of Salt-2;Su/6152/C/7; Lexis-Nexis.
Gromyko discussed new types and new systems of weapons of mass destruction and other arms negotiations.
1979, July 25. Soviet-US Initiative to Ban Radiological Weapons. Commentary by Antonin Kostka. BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. Part 2 Eastern Europe: A. International Affairs:1. General and Western Affairs;EE/6176/Al/2 Lexis-Nexis.
"...concerning a ban on the development and manufacture of new types of mass annihilation weapons and new systems of such weapons ...Practice has shown on more than one occasion that it is much easier and simpler to ban weapons which exist only on the drawing board than those which have been prepared for use in military arsenals. The convention on banning devices which enable the environment to be modified for military or other hostile purposes is a very eloquent example of this. ...The hardware of destruction advances and improves so fast that the progress of disarmament negotiations is constantly behind the development of weaponry."
1980, July 22. Chemical and Radiological Weapons. BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. Part 1 The USSR; A. International Affairs;1. General and Western Affairs; SU/6477/A1/3; Lexis-Nexis.
"The Soviet Union views the banning of radiological weapons as part of the solution of the problem of an all-embracing ban on new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction. ...The forthcoming ban on radiological weapons is an important confirmation of the timeliness of the Soviet initiative on the banning of the creation of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction."
1982, May 26.Buckman, John. The U.N. and Disarmament: The Second Special Session. Heritage Foundation Reports. A UN Assessment Project Study; No 186.
This article discussed new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons and the political currents surrounding the Second Special Session on Disarmament(SSOD-II) in New York June, 1982 by the UN General Assembly. "...SSOD-II also will provide another chance for Third World countries to 'internationalize" nuclear reduction efforts and for some Soviet-inspired "peace groups" to further their attempts at harassing and discrediting the U.S. and the West. ...Massive demonstrations are being planned with the Session with the predictable veteran radical groups churning out their usual anti-military diatribes. ... Various "non-governmental organizations" (NGOs) are officially recognized by the U.N. as spokesmen for citizens on a host of issues, and are accorded accreditation to take part in sessions and meetings. ...While most of the groups are legitimate associations representing the full spectrum of political ideology, no fewer than eleven of them have been identified by the State Department as "fronts" for the Soviet Union."
1983, January 27. Soviet Delegation to UN Disarmament Committee Session in Geneva. BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. Part 1 The USSR; A. International Affairs:1. General and Western Affairs;Su/7242/A1/4. Lexis-Nexis.
Editor's note: Israelyan is author of 1979 important UN document cited above. "Text of report of statement by Viktor Israelyan, head of Soviet delegation. ...However the work of the Committee has recently been marking time principally because of the obstruction position of the USA and several of its NATO allies. The USA justifies the concept that nuclear wars, whether limited protracted or otherwise, are possible. New types of weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, are being designed and produced. The danger of war, above all nuclear war, is increasing."
1986, January 21. Press Conference on Gorbachev's Nuclear Arms Elimination Proposals. BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. Tass for abroad. Part1 The USSR; A. International Affairs; 1.General and Western Affairs;SU/8162/A1/1. Lexis-Nexis.
Editor's comment. The speaker who is answering is not identified in this article. "[Answer] Weapons based on new physical principles would include, amongst others, means in which physical principles which have not been used hitherto are used to strike at personnel, military equipment and objectives. Amongst weapons of this kind one might include beam, radio-wave, infrasonic geophysical and genetic weapons. In their strike characteristics these types of weapons might be no less dangerous than mass strike weapons. The Soviet Union considers it necessary to establish a ban on the development of arms of this kind. The Soviet union has not carried out, nor does it intend to carry out either tests of such arms, or -even less so - the deployment of them. It will seek to ensure that all other countries do not do so either."
1986, Jan.27. Pravda Editorial on Gorbachev's Progamme of Nuclear Disarmament. BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. Part 1 The USSR; A. International Affairs;1. general and Western Affairs; SU/8167/A1/1. Pravda 25 Jan 86. Lexis-Nexis.
"...At this point it is appropriate to draw attention to the fact that the Soviet programme has been drawn up with due consideration for the fact that the currently prevailing balance of forces in the world is to be maintained at all states of its implementation, but at an ever lower level. No threat to anyone's security will be created at any moment of its implementation." ...They include in particular beam, radio wave, and infrasonic and genetic weapons which, in terms of their destructive potential, could be no less dangerous than already existing weapons of mass destruction. ...As for the USA, which is the primary addressee of the Soviet proposals, a statement by President R. Reagan described by the Western press as 'cautious and carefully considered' has been disseminated there. Unfortunately, there has been nothing more than that so far."
1986, November 11.United Nations. U.N. Committee Urges Ban On New Weapons of Mass Destruction. Reuters North European Service. Tuesday, PM Cycle. Lexis-Nexis.
" The United States cast the only negative vote when a United Nations Committee reaffirmed the need to ban the development and manufacture of new weapons of mass destruction.....The draft, sponsored by the Soviet Union and 18 of its allies, also called on all states, immediately following identification of any new weapon of mass destruction, to begin negotiations on its prohibition with the simultaneous introduction of a moratorium on its practical development."
1988, June 21. Wenrong, Quian. Roundup: A New Trend of Arms Race Between Two Superpowers. Xinhua General Overseas News Service.
"While welcoming the initial progress in the American-Soviet nuclear disarmament, delegates to the U.N. special session on disarmament has advised the world community to pay more attention to the dangerous new trend in the arms race between the two superpowers. Delegates pointed out that the new trend is characterized by an extension into outer space and a shift to improving the quality of weapons. The Indian delegation said that " the prospects for real disarmament will remain bleak so long as this technological arms race is allowed to continue unabated." In the field of nuclear weapons, American and Soviet researchers have increased the emphasis on development of so-called "third generation" nuclear weapons such as the neutron bomb, x-ray laser, gamma ray laser and microwave weapons. ...It is worth noting that many new technologies, such as genetic engineering and biotechnology, have been used to produce chemical and biological weapons. ...If the new technologies are utilized for military purposes, there could be a new race to develop ever more hideous weapons, U.N. delegates warned. Unfortunately the U.S. delegation has expressed its strong opposition to any restrictions on the use of new technologies in military research and development. As for the Soviet Union, there is no sign that it will give up the race to develop new arms systems programs in both nuclear and conventional weapons, ..."
1993, May 25. Hud?mon, Richard L. Russia Lifts Secrecy In an Attempt to Sell Military Equipment. Wall Street Journal. International Section.
"Though most state-of-the-art technology remains secret, this week's show reflects Moscow's desire to sacrifice some secrecy for more sales. ...Now with state scientific institutes starving for funding, scientists are embarking on commerce by themselves."
1993, July 9. Rubinfien, Elizabeth. Foreigners Seek Scientific Ties With Russia. Wall Street Journal. ?B7A.
Editor's comment. Surely history is repeating. America is undoubtedly exploiting the break up of the Soviet Union.
"...Another technology treasure trove believed to be hidden behind the iron curtain is the potential commercial applications of technologies developed under secrecy for military use. ... A new Russian-U.S. joint venture aims to identify and evaluate these technologies and others for licensing and marketing outside the former Soviet Union. The new Arlington, Va, company, East/West Technology Partners Ltd. brings together the U.S. company BDM International Inc. the International Technology Exchange Corp of Washington, D.C., and a new Russian company, Technology Exhibition and Investment Inc. of Moscow. The Russian partner is able to open the door on defense research for the joint venture because it is essentially consortium of top Russian scientists, including Yevgeny Velikhov, vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a leader in the Soviet physics establishment."
1993, December 23. Press Conference by RF Foreign Ministry Spokesman Grigory Karasin. Official Kremlin Int'l News Broadcast. News/ Current Events. Lexis-Nexis.
"Q: ABC television. Recently, making a tour of Western Europe Mr. Zhirinovsky said Russia has new weapons, having no analogues in the world, electronic weapons which can destroy any point of the world, and it has unique opportunities. What could you say about such weapons? Do they exist? And what could you say about Zhirinovsky's statement? Karasin: I should tell you that I briefly heard about this statement from my colleagues. I have not read the materials. But as I have already told you, we stick to the rule to comment on addresses or official statements related to the official political course, to the official real policy. That is why I think that the Foreign Ministry's comments on this would be improper. Q: And what about these weapons named " Electron"? Karasin: I don't know anything about it. Any more questions?"
1994, July 15. Testimony July 15, 1994 William Grundmann Director For Combat Support Defense Intelligence Agency House Joint/Economic Economic Conditions In Eastern and Central Europe. Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony. Lexis-Nexis.
"...Russian military leaders have indicated that R&D should emphasize leading technologies such as stealth, precision weapons, command and control, and advanced electronics, and weapons based on "new physical principles" such as lasers and radio frequency weapons. Russia will be hard pressed however, to find resources for the investments needed to complete development of these technologies and bring them into production in the future. help Russia emerge as a constructive player in European and Asian security systems."
1995, October 20. Press Review. Russian Information Agency ITAR_TASS. Lexis-Nexis.
"Rossiiskaya Gazeta on the development of a psychotronic generator. Specialists at the state-run Research and Production Enterprise Delta have designed a psychotronic generator which is capable of bending the mind by means of acoustic waves. The Newspaper's new analyst Albert Valentinov, in an article headlined "A Secret Signal to Suicide" sought to have a look behind the stages of research and find out the extent to which the psychotronic generator is hazardous to people."
1997, February 14. Li, Jingchen. Roundup: Disarmament Conference Adopts Vague Agenda. Xinhua News Agency.
"The Conference on Disarmament(cd) today failed to adopt a specific agenda for 1997 but listed eight items in a vague agenda. According to a cd press release, the eight items listed for consideration by the cd are... new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons,..." Analysts say that the broad agenda adopted today is a compromise among negotiators just for the session to go on."
1997, September 29. Wilson-Smith, Anthony. Under friendly fire. Maclean's. p 24.
Editor's note: The political currents are complicated and a professional lobbyist would be best in order to figure out a plan of action for victims.
"...The other friction point, which caused Canadian officials to react with disappointment but little surprise, was the U.S. refusal to join close to 90 countries in backing an international treaty spearheaded by Canada that seeks to ban all use of antipersonnel landmines. ... the most important consequence of the treaty, said lawyer Louise Doswald-Beck of the International Committee of the Red Cross, is that "this will be the first time ever that international humanitarian law has prohibited a weapon in widespread use." In the wake of Washington's refusal to sign, the pressure on Clinton to reverse his stand appears likely to become even more intense. A group of Nobel Peace Prize laureates, including Desmond Tutu, Mikhail Gorbachev and Lech Walesa, wrote Clinton last week asking him to reconsider."
1998, January 22. Conference On Disarmament Begins First Part of 1998 Session. M2Presswire. Lexis Nexis.
"Opening the meeting , the President of the Conference, Lars Norberg(Sweden), recalled that in 1997 one of the most important events in the field of disarmament was the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention. It was a source of great satisfaction and inspiration to further multilateral disarmament efforts. ...Also this morning, the Conference adopted its agenda, ... new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons;"
1998, February 11. Deen, Thalif. UN protocol brings laser blinding ban into force. Jane's Defense Weekly. Vol. 29;No.6:Pg.6. Lexis-Nexis.
Editor's note. This seems to be the likely method of banning electromagnetic weapons at an international level.
"According to the ICRC, this is the second time in modern times that a lethal weapon has been prohibited before its use in war; "...The protocol[ban blinding lasers] highlights the role of international humanitarian law in preventing a horrific new form of suffering for soldiers and civilians alike, Doswald-Beck[Louise, of the ICRC] said. The ICRC has urged all UN member states to adhere to the protocol as soon as possible and to adopt national measures to prevent the production, transfer,use and proliferation of blinding laser weapons. The convention, which was adopted in 1983, has three other protocols. they prohibit the use of booby traps, incendiary weapons and non-detectable fragments in weapons of war."
The few humanitarian international organizations working on arms control are possible avenues for victims of government experimentation to pursue. At least now the history of international electromagnetic weapons development is irrefutable and lessons can be learned from comparisons with the history of the atomic bomb.
Victims are no match for the resources of the government and the lack of political will. The public must educate and decide for themselves on this issue. Given the incredible odds against them, victims who allege electromagnetic human rights abuses deserve the benefit of the doubt. Because of the seriousness of the allegations and the amount of evidence, an investigation should be called for. This is a reasonable request.
It is appallingly evident that there has been no public protest about the highly classified electromagnetic weapons, unlike the history of the nuclear arms race. This is a serious problem, the spending of billions of dollars and developing the weapons without public input, not to mention allegations of human rights abuse. Another major point can be drawn from this depressing account of the electromagnetic arms race- a few people in the international community have made a difference. The power to make a difference is the hope that victims can count on.
The future of electromagnetic technology is undoubtedly in the hands of the United States and it is interesting to speculate on how the technology will be distributed and controlled globally. There are published accounts of microwave hearing to create the phenomena of hearing voices and other electromagnetic military and intelligence uses (See CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website). But the remote reading of the victim's thoughts and direct communication with the brain, this sophisticated technology may not be declassified for years. And undoubtedly, the covert use will grow, as published articles have revealed. The effect of multinational corporations, military-industrial connections and economic concerns on the distribution of this technology is difficult to predict. It goes without saying that it is a loss that this technology is not being used in peaceful and health-enhancing ways.
Armed with the facts, victims can plan more effectively. For example, there could be a project, as a group rather than individually; and working with the international human rights community on passing international law against "microwave hearing" abuses or working on new protocols banning electromagnetic weapons. Further research is needed. These are a few goals to work towards.
CAHRA [now Mind Justice] is a nonprofit 501(c)3 and cannot act in any political way. This paper is not an attempt to aid or hinder any political act. The views expressed are the opinion of Cheryl Welsh only. Please share your thoughts and ideas with CAHRA [now Mind Justice].
Cheryl Welsh would like to thank California State University, Sacramento government department, the interlibrary loan service, the reference librarians and special thanks for the use of the incredible Lexis-Nexis computer database.